Kevin is a Chicago-based educator, fly tyer, artist, photographer, and the person behind Casting Feathers and Fur designs.
“Art has been a lifelong interest of mine; I have always loved to create, draw and work with my hands. I grew up in Wisconsin spending most of my childhood outdoors; albeit much of that time was spent working on the family farm. Ironically, it wasn’t until I moved to Chicago that I found my passion for canoeing, hiking, backpacking, and fly fishing. These are the things that have most often inspired my artwork."
~ Kevin Onsrud
As a Catchflo Creator Kevin brings his unique style of illustration to his own lineup of Casting Feathers and Fur Catchflo footwear.
Kevin has chosen to donate his entire 10% portion of all sales of his footwear to one of our Gives Back partnersThe Mayfly Project, a national organization that uses fly fishing as the vehicle to mentor and support children in foster care.